Friday, October 19, 2012

URGENT: Blood Donation Plea for Munchy

UPDATE (29th October 2012): From Munchy's owner Sharmila: "Munchy left us for a better place at 3.30pm on Saturday, 27th October... she was to be exactly 2 years and 9 months that day. Its very painful for both of us but we do know she is no longer suffering. We were on our way to the vet when she passed away. She looked at me, lifted her head one last time and as though she was smiling and saying goodbye her pupils grew dark and big... She took one last breath and passed on. Thank you all and to those who reached out to help us and prayed for Munchy. We have indeed lost a family member but the ways she touched our hearts shall forever be remembered."

UPDATE (21st October 2012): I received the news yesterday that Munchy has successfully received a few transfusions. Her condition is still being observed but is stable enough go home. Several dogs are now on standby to offer blood should her platelet count drop again over the next week. I will update again should there be another plea for blood donations. Thank you to all who spread the word and offered help. Me, Ray, Sharmila and I'm sure Munchy are all extremely grateful.

My friends Ray Cheong and Sharmila have a 3-year old adopted dog called Munchy. 

For the past 2 weeks, Munchy has been losing energy. Yesterday, she was suddenly so weak that she was unable to move, and she wet herself. 

Munchy is currently at an animal hospital in Puchong, being treated for a dangerously low blood platelet count of 5%. The cause is unknown but the vet suspects a relapse of tick fever - which she had when she was first rescued as a stray and made a full recovery - or another viral infection she picked up from another dog.

Munchy is in desperate need of at least 12 bags of blood for transfusion in order to pull through.

This is an appeal to all dog owners in the Klang Valley who would be able to offer help with a blood donation. The only requirement is that your own dog is healthy and vaccinated. He/She will be sedated for 2 hours and shaved below the neck. Costs will be covered.

Time is running out for Munchy! Please spread the word!

Contact Sharmila at 0166776251