Monday, May 14, 2012

For Adoption: 2 dogs, 5 puppies





"Spots and Blacks (in the cages) were the original strays in our neighborhood. The couple beside me is Harry and Bhuvani, they have the biggest hearts...ever. They have personally re homed more than 50 dogs around Bangsar/Damansara...and to think they are not even Malaysians."- Rizal

"These puppies are 13 weeks old. All of them have been vaccinated, the two bigger ones Spots and Blacks have also been spayed. Harry and Bhuvani have been paying for their boarding at a vet for the past 2 months! As well as taking care of Spots's 8 babies. They have found homes for 3, now they need your help finding homes for Spots, Blacks and the other 5. Please help."

Contact Rizal at 012 2962707